Anxiety Update: The Waiting Game

Perhaps you sometimes find yourself feeling uneasy about the prospect of sitting in my chair.  Well, the next time you're feeling that way, remind yourself of this interesting tidbit: U.S. researchers have located the human brain's "dread center" an area of the brain responsible for feelings of anxiousness and fear. Brain scans show that neurons that generate the feeling of anxiety lie within the same areas of the brain activated by pain.

How did they figure this out? Interestingly enough, researchers shocked the feet of more than thirty courageous volunteers while simultaneously scanning their brains.The study found that about a quarter of the group were "extreme dreaders" who were more than willing to take a stronger jolt just to be done with the whole thing. It seems that the dread of an experience can be more overwhelming than any pain or discomfort actually 'associated with it. Most dental procedures don't hurt, but the anxiety associated with them can be extremely unpleasant. The anxiety could stem from a bad experience, a phobia, or even from watching Little Shop of Horrors one too many times. No matter its cause, the anticipation of things going wrong can be far worse than the actual experience. So try to remember this the next time you grimace at the sight of an appointment reminder, a waiting room or dental tools. The dread you're feeling is not proportional to the experience you're facing. Just take a deep breath and remember that science agrees — it really is all in your head.

If you would like to talk about any anxiety you may have with an upcoming appointment, please give us a call at 410-535-5055. 


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