Raisin Eyebrows: How healthy is dried fruit?

Do you remember how disappointed you were as a kid when some concerned adult  put raisins in your Halloween bucket? Your mother was probably relieved, it would seem that they would be far better for you and your teeth than the rest of the sugary treats you'd strung out across the living room floor.  Raisins do have many benefits, hey're low in fat and cholesterol, and boast plenty of fiber, calcium and potassium. Unfortunately, they're also sticky and high in sugar, making them high on the list of foods that can cause cavities. Some health professionals lump them in with all the other typical junk foods kids eat. Raisins aren't the only foods once thought healthy that can contribute to tooth decay, other dried fruit, sweetened cereals and even fruit juices are on the list. 
Don't chuck raisins out just yet, raisins were recently found to contain phytochemicals, which are known to inhibit the growth of bacteria commonly linked to cavities. Note that this study was conducted in a lab, and no study has even been done to show that cavities are either more or less likely to find kids that eat raisins.

So, where does this leave you? A good general rule when it comes to eating for good health (oral and otherwise) is to stick with whole fruits and vegetables whenever possible. If you must eat something that you aren't sure is good for you, moderation is key. Be sure to drink lots of water, and always brush your teeth or rinse your mouth out with warm water after eating sugary or acidic foods to prevent tooth decay!


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